2023 1st Quarter ARES Exercise

Good Afternoon,

Here’s the plan for tomorrow’s Emergency Communications exercise, that takes place from 9:00AM – 11:00AM (prior to Winter Field Day):

Chris Wheeler (CCEMA) offered the following scenario (and request): 

 “Let’s say we had a large subsidence on the Presumpscot river below the Sappi Paper Mill that caused the foundations to some of their buildings to buckle and potentially fail. In this type of scenario we would be looking for:” 

Request to MEMA for assistance (ICS-213RR via Winlink): 

  • Structural Engineers (5) 
  • Type One Large Backhoes (2) 
  • Water Pumps (8) 
  • Railroad Ties (500) 
  • Manual and Hydraulic Building Jacks (25) 
  • Large Type 1 Dump Trucks (4) 

Countywide traffic: 

During the exercise, we’ll be looking for a simulated storm update from NWS Gray to determine likelihood of continuing flood risk, simulated weather reports from individual check-ins that we can forward to NWS so they can issue, update, or confirm warnings, and also simulated reports of road washouts, etc., to forward to CCEMA, so they can dispatch DOT crews. Be sure to preface each message with THIS IS A DRILL or EXERCISE MESSAGE. 

Exercise Schedule: 

  • We will be starting our county wide net on the 449.225 repeater at or around 9:00 AM to take check-ins and take any traffic (weather reports or SITREPS) from participants. 
  • At around the same time, we will also check into the Maine Emergency Net on 3940 kHz. 
  • At 9:30 AM, we will take check-ins on simplex to test comms from the trailer. For obvious reasons, it won’t have the same coverage as the station at the EOC, but we’ll see who can hear us. 
  • At 10:00 AM we will be sending our Winlink traffic, most likely via PACKET. 
  • From 10:30 – 11:00 AM, we will check back into and monitor the Maine Emergency Net to see if there’s any traffic waiting for us, and handle as needed. 




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