WSSM-ECT Training Net – Tonight at 7:00 PM!

Please join us this evening at 7:00 PM on the W1QUI 147.090 (+ / 100) repeater, for our monthly WSSM-ECT On-Air Drill!

The topic for this evening will be to discuss our return to live meetings at the EMA bunker. After our net on the repeater, we’ll do a roll call of those who check-in, on 3940 kHz LSB, which is the Maine ARES primary frequency for night time HF ops. As always, we welcome any traffic for the net, either on 2 meters, or HF.

The purpose of this net is to focus on developing skills, such as familiarity with message forms, traffic handling, using modes like FM Simplex, Winlink, Packet, and the FLDigi suite, while fostering an interest in and recruiting newcomers to emergency communications.

Catch you on the air!



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